Saturday, February 28, 2015
Lora was a sweet soft spoken lady who was always glad to see you. Uncle David and Aunt Lora always had a bowl of ice cream ready when we visited. When I was little, maybe 8 or 9 they had a bull named Charlie. At least us kids named him Charlie. We would pet and play with Charlie, ride him and generally treat him like a big ole dog! On one visit Charlie was nowhere to be found! Where's Charlie we asked, my dad Tom (David's brother) and Uncle David "didn't know" where Charlie was...maybe in the "lower pasture" we were told... Later that day we ate supper... A nice roast and steak for the grown ups... You can probably guess where Charlie was... I was sick for a while and didn't speak to my dad or Uncle David for a day or so! I came to understand after finally talking to them both how life was! Now this is one of my fondest childhood memories!