Friday, February 24, 2012
Barry, Morgan our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sorry we didn't make it to the funeral home. I highly recommend reading the books Heaven is for Real, and 90 min in Heaven if you have not. Even though I know heaven is real, both of these books brings into reality what it is actually like, and they are true stories. Morgan I lost my mom when I was only 24, so I understand somewhat of what you are going through. I don't know if you remember me from the horse shows, but I am Lisa's sister. I would like to promise you it gets better, and it does a little, but I still have days when I want to break down. It breaks my heart that she never got to see my daughter, but then I stop and think that actually she has. I am sure she is in Heaven looking down smiling. Hang in there and you will be ok. Now you just have an extra angel looking out for you! Kristie, Mike, and Jacy Clifft