Friday, January 24, 2020
Yesterday, I looked for you, but you weren't there.
I listened for you to call out some smart ass remark as I passed, but there was silence.
You didnt jump up to catch me when I walked by, with my cookware or to ask me how things went with this or that.
I made too much noise this morning, as I always do and still I stop and think oh, no and still I called down to say "I'm sorry Fosty"! But I didnt hear you yell back up or tap the ceiling...just silence and I remembered, you are gone, God took you back home to His.
My heart grew heavier as It all began to sink in that never again will I see your smile or hear your voice or have you there looking out for me, and it hit hard and I've cried.
I've been missing you every day. It's never going to be the same at home, without your attention and sarcasm. I miss sitting with you and cutting up, I miss
You're kind heart, your voice, your laughter. I miss the way you treated me like a daughter or little sister, praise and reprimanding. I miss your gratitude , I miss your stories.
I miss you and everything about you.
I pray you're feeling well , you're at peace I pray you're breathing easy, flying high and being carefree. I hope you knew, how much I love you. For all my life I'll remember you and miss you. @Frosty @ForrestHarrel